Fitness in the Village

Appropriate regular exercise can have huge benefits to your health, having positive effects on things that are not so well documented, such as bone density, lung functionality, heart functionality, metabolism, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, sleep patterns, mental alertness, energy levels, self-confidence........ I really could go on and on! well as the more recognised benefits to aerobic fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility, posture, body shape, toning and of course weight loss.

It is important to look after your body if you want it to function properly for a very long time, just as you would care for your car. So regular massage treatment can be hugely beneficial to your long-term health, and becomes almost more important when you are exercising regularly.

Without fuelling your body with the correct food, it`s impossible to maintain a healthy, proper functioning body. You cannot exercise out a bad diet. Your nutrition habits and choices knit everything together and really are crucial to your well-being.

Initial meeting
If you would prefer to just meet up for a tea or coffee or even chat by phone, rather than meet for a full consultation that`s absolutely fine.

Informal chat over a cuppa at the fitness studio or elsewhere if preferred.
During this we will get to know each other, discuss your present situation with regards to health, exercise and diet, what you are hoping to achieve and how I can help you. Together we will complete some forms, such as health screening, lifestyle and typical daily food intakes.
At the end of this consultation there is still absolutely no obligation to go ahead with any assessments or exercise sessions.

Health & Fitness Assessment
This includes a comprehensive assessment at the fitness studio.
Some typical measurements that are made are: blood pressure, heart rate, blood-oxygen levels, lung efficiency, weight, body fat, posture analysis, plus some aerobic, flexibility and strength & endurance assessments. A written report of the results and their meanings is always issued. From these results I am also better able to implement an appropriate exercise programme for you, it gives me the information to assess your starting level requirements for the first session.

Exercise Session
The whole routine from start to finish is carried out with just myself and you the client, right from the warm up, through the session and onto the cool down and stretching routine. You have my complete attention at all times. This can be very educational to clients and ensures that your body is treated correctly by following safe and correct routines. A session can typically run from 1 to 1.25 hours, it depends on the client and goals of the session.

Block booking prices

£550 – FOR 10 SESSIONS



AppleThere could be a very good reason why you just cannot shift that stubborn fat!
It`s not necessarily all about calories, there is a link between nutrition, hormones and exercise.

By getting your hormones better balanced we can create a “fat burning” environment for your body rather than a “fat storing” one.

After meeting and/or communicating with you and gathering very specific information about you, I will be in a position to work out what is required to help your hormones to become better balanced, therefore assisting with fat loss.

I will supply you with very specific eating guidelines with lots of meal example options for every meal, even down to snacks during the day between meals.

It is based on good wholesome food, but tailored to you and what will work best for your body at this moment. This system also works just as well for vegetarians.

During the 12 week plan we can have weekly communication to support you, advise and monitor your progress and if you are local we can also meet in person periodically during the 12 weeks. This will enable me to measure your progress more closely and generally discuss how the plan is going for you.

Price: £275.00

Find out more here >>

Continued support for nutrition plan

Once the initial 12 week plan has finished, I offer continued support to keep you on track towards your goals. This support will be to the same high standard as received during the initial plan.
£60.00 for each 12 week cycle

Massage Treatments

Swedish Massage*
Swedish type Holistic Massage, can be extremely therapeutic and relaxing, but also comes with many health benefits
£30.00 for 30 minute treatment
£55.00 for 1 hour treatment
£70.00 for 1.5 hour treatment

Sports Massage*
Deep Tissue Massage, an ideal treatment for more stubborn aches and pains and many chronic injuries. Also highly effective as a maintenance treatment, keeping your body in its best functional condition.
£30.00 for 30 minute treatment
£55.00 for 1 hour treatment
£70.00 for 1.5 hour treatment

*All massage treatments are carried out using very high quality natural waxes.

Laser Therapy Treatment
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is an extremely well established, pain free form of treatment that uses light waves and a process called photobiomodulation. It is non-thermal and highly effective in treating multiple conditions and injuries successfully. These include - promoting tissue and joint repair, reducing inflammation, reducing pain, healing wounds and infection control.

Ultrasound Treatment
Ultrasound is a pain free treatment that uses mechanical sound waves. It can be used on both acute (new) and chronic (older) injuries. Correctly applied it can speed up healing recovery time and enhance the quality of the repair.

Any soft tissue injury has to go through natural repair phases of bleeding, inflammation, proliferation and remodelling. Appropriate and safe treatment application for the specific injury or condition has the capacity to stimulate or enhance these natural events and increase the efficiency and quality of the repair phases. Therefore, faster healing, shorter recovery time, better quality of repair.
Price on Application